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View From Coffee House Corner
Little Lambs (Pre-K)
“The Lost Sheep”
"The Precious Pearl”
“The Two Sons”
"The House on a Rock”
"Ten Silver Coins”
"The Good Stranger”
"The Rich Farmer”
"The Little Gate”
“Joseph the Favorite
"Escape from Egypt”
"When the World Began”
"Samuel and David”
“Noah’s Ark”
"God looks after Elijah!”
“Jacob Tricks His Brother”
"Jonah and the Big Fish,.... Birth of Jesus”
"Jesus Makes Friends”
"Jairus' Daughter”
"The Story of the Lost Sheep”
"Blind Bartemus”
"The Woman who Gave Everything”
"The Soldiers in the Garden”
"Breakfast by the Lake”
"The Man at the Gate”
“The Last Bible Installment”
"The Storm on the Lake”
"Good News”
"Who Said That?”
“When God Made You”
“When I Pray For You”
“Just Because You're Mine”
“Jesus and the Children”
“David and Goliath”
“Elijah and the Alter of Flames"
“Jonah and the Big Fish"
“Just in Case You Ever Wondered"
"A Very Noisy Christmsas"
"The One O'Clock Miracle"
"The Tall Tower"
"God's Friend"
"Down through the Roof"
"The Marvelous Picnic"
"The Helpful Servant"
"The Kind Stranger"
"Samuel Hears a Voice"
"The Ten Lepers"
(The Man Who Came Back)
"The Great Parade"
"In The Beginning"
"A Sad Day"
"A Brave and Mighty Man"
"The Wise King"
"Down in the Well"
"The Boy in the Temple"